
Mazu Gold Testimonials

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. You should always first consult your personal physician for any health questions.

My grandson Jordan gets the flu and gets colds very easily, he gets them from school and brings them home to his little brother and then it goes to the parents all the time. This week he came home from school, school called my daughter had to go and pick him up. He had all the symptoms of the flu, he was vomiting, she brought him home and she gave him Mazu Gold, before he went to bed she gave it to him again. The next morning he woke up totally fine. Went to school no problem, hasn’t had any more problems, this is like a miracle to us, were really excited about it.
– Larry O., Ladera Ranch, CA


I teach 6th grade math and I have 75 students, I’ve been on Mazu for a week now, and for the first time I can recall my students names without having to call them hey you.  Multitasking has been fantastic, I can remember what it was I had to do, and go back and tend to it without forgetting. So buy Mazu if nothing else, it changed my life.
– Jennifer B., New Iberia, LA


As I approached my 60’s my health was diminishing. Looking for ways to improve my health, I found Mazu Gold. After taking Mazu Gold, my health has just been better, my energy has been going up, and things have just been getting better.  This is my answer; I believe it’s the answer for anybody else looking to improve their health.
– Bob R., Menifee, CA.


 I am 66 years old, and I’m an avid surfer, I am in the water every single day. I like to have a lot of energy and the Mazu Gold is providing that for me. I’ve been enjoying it for about a month now, and sharing it with my friends. I’ve also enjoyed the income I’m receiving from sharing the product with others, so if you want to have more energy in the activities you enjoy, try Mazu Gold, it’s a great product.
– Jim H., CA


Hi, I’m a news anchor every morning I’m up at 2:25 I do a three hour newscast from 5 until 8 am. And health is one of the major concerns that I have, making sure that my immune system is boosted to deal with the issues I call potholes with people I work around getting colds, and bugs and flus, Mazu Gold has given me that edge that I feel I’m protected, and I’m able to endure whatever I’m dealing with.
– Eric R., Mobile, AL


I’ve been on Mazu and it has really helped me with the clarity of thought, and I just feel wonderful taking it.
– Christina N., New Iberia, LA


I’m an investment banker, I’ve been using the Mazu Gold product, and being an avid tennis player for many years I’ve noticed a very improved recovery time, and it’s also made me feel better as far as mental clarity, and also my digestion is significantly better.
– Kip H.


I was so thankful I was introduced to Mazu Gold, because it has done so much for me and my husband.  Always,  when I got to Wal-Mart he will let me out because it’s so hard to walk in that store, and the other day he let me out and I wasn’t even thinking about anything, I took three steps and I just could not believe how I felt, and I thought this is wonderful. I wasn’t even thinking about it and I could walk without any problems.
– Norma B., Cleveland, TN


I love Mazu, it has really made me feel much, much better and much more energetic, I have started giving it to my mother who is 88 years old and really I have seen her laugh, and I haven’t seen her this happy in years.
– Joanie B., Louisiana


 I have been in the nutritional industry for about 16 years now I’ve got to try a lot of nutritional products, recently I was introduced to the Mazu Global product, and I was very surprised by how quickly it worked, I’ve had hip discomfort for a few years now and in just a few days that discomfort is gone, I am totally going add this to my regimen and use this product forever. 
– Bob A., California


I love Mazu, I’ve been taking it and I have received the highest scores on my tests ever at college.
– Colby A., Louisiana


I am a healthcare practitioner and I have just recently found a product that I have started using on a daily basis and I have got to tell you, that I know this product can change the quality of life of millions of people out there, so I’d like you to take a very serious look at this and decide for yourself, but  I tell you I’m blown away by it and I know you would be too.
– Dr. Teresa R., Georgia


I am sooooooooooooo excited about this amazing product.  My upline has been holding my hand and …….. ok dragging me along.  I finally received my first shipment of  Mazu Gold.  I am astonished at the energy I have.  I have been telling everyone about it.  I have to be to work at 6:am so I am up at 5:am.  I have worked several 9 hour days and have been to bed no earlier than 11:pm.  I am a single mom and working 3 jobs and have been exhausted for months.  Now I am full of energy and the ONLY thing I have done different is to start taking Mazu Gold.  It feels like I have a new lease on life and I am excited. Thank You!
– Shannon C.


Here is a message I received on facebook.  I have known this guy for a while as he works for the county.  We are not close but I ran into him the other day & he was getting ready to celebrate his birthday…So I gave him a bottle of Mazu & wished him a happy birthday & told him to try it on me & here is the result.  It really is easy to market!

“Gonna need some more Mazu….man that is great juice.

Thank you for the gift….feel great :)”  Ken
– Terry S.


Good morning!

How long has it been since I sounded that happy?  I have to tell ya…. I’m so glad you brought Mazu into my life! Besides reducing the discomfort in my neck, this is hay fever time and I’ve always ended up with sinus problems and usually infection followed by antibiotics. The first day of 2 oz in the morning I felt an amazing energy…a good powerful feeling not hyper or the unfocused type! I felt my sinuses start to get congested and then like magic….it would just go away! It has done that everyday day.
– Deb


 I love Mazu Gold 🙂
About 9 months ago I had to get a x-ray of my hip because I was in a lot of discomfort and had trouble walking.  When I went to my Rheumatologist for the results she said I had deep issues in the bone of the hip.  The remedy they wanted me to take was a prescription which I was not happy about.  I only took a 4 pack sample from her office and only took two of the pills because of side effects and I told my doctor I did not want to take drugs for this.   During this time I was on a product from another nutrition company that was said to have beaten prescriptions in double blind clinical trials.  Another product from a MLM company that was the top Glutathione nutritional on the market .  A zero point energy wand from another MLM company all with little results. 
I was lucky enough to receive a call from a good friend and he explained to me what he happened to stumble upon with Mazu Global.  I told him I was sick of MLM but if you can get me a sample of this stuff and it work’s I am in.  
A few days later  Mazu Gold arrived at my door steps.  I put it into the refrigerator and waited a few hours for it to chill.   I had 2 ounces in the afternoon.  HELLO! The next day my hip felt great 🙂   I have been taking it every day since my hip is feeling fantastic!  Fire up the plant and start printing us distributors MONEY and Good HEALTH.  This is a winner, game changers whatever you want to call it.
Plain and simple it Flat out Works.
Oh I forgot about the amount of ENERGY I have had since taking Mazu ” ROCKET FUEL ‘ Gold  .  It is a calm, clear peaceful energy 🙂
I need my Mazu Gold NOW
– Steve M.

I got my product last Monday night and started taking it immediately. Left for Seabring, Florida to see a friend and while I was driving I noticed my hands felt different and my arms did not hurt like I had gotten used to.

I’m 65 yrs. young and most always have to take a nap in the afternoon. I have had 7 major surgeries and only have 15 foot of my small intestine left, so my absorption is not the best. Well I have been going like a house on fire all week and have more energy than I have had in 20 yrs.

In 29 yrs, of being involved with nutritional products, I have seen no equal to this wonderful product.

–          Bobby H.


I have had severe joint discomfort in my knees for almost three years, and I have tried everything I can get my hands on to help, but nothing was working.  I started using Mazu Gold one week ago, and already my knees feel great!”
– Bob G., Mobile AL


For the past year and a half I have been taking up to 30 supplements a day to help with my blood sugar, and nothing really seemed to do the trick.  I started taking Mazu Gold, and after the first serving I was able to see and feel the difference!  My wife hasn’t seen me this happy in a year and a half!”)
– William B., Santee CA


I have had repeated issues and discomfort with my wrist for the past 5 years, to the point where I expected to some day have to have surgery to help improve the quality of my life. Since I’ve been on Mazu Gold, I have a newfound outlook – my wrist feels great!
– Mark R., Fort Wayne, IN

Opportunity Testimonials

The below statements are not a guarantee of your success with Mazu Global.  Your individual results will be based on your work ethic, skill level, committment and other factors of your own personal business.

The All Team Pay Plan is so refreshing!  Lots of companies say they have bonus pools and that everyone has an equal chance to earn from them, but it always seems to come down to when you joined the company, if you find out about it too late, too bad!  But this one is actually different!  Everyone really does have the same chance to earn on total company revenue, what more could you ask for!

–          Alyce M. Hollywood, FL 


I just want to tell you all that god has blessed me with this company, Mazu Global.  My first check, the first week with the company was fantastic, and I’m so excited.
– Gwen B., Louisiana


My background has been business ownership, multiple dealerships, mortgage companies and this business is very similar to that but it does not take all the capital requirements, employees and that kind of thing. What I really liked about this business is the total pay plan meaning that companywide, that when I’m sleeping the people in Europe are working and our business is growing, it’s just absolutely phenomenal. I’ve never seen anything like it.
– Gary C., Phoenix, AZ


Mazu Global is new refreshing and very exciting right now. It rocks, this product, I tell you I’m almost 66 years of age, I was a PE major, extreme athlete my whole life and I’ve never seen recovery faster on sports with this product.  With this type of product people will be making millions worldwide. And it’s just unbelievable.
– George and Peggy H., Carlsbad, CA


I was a court reporter for 23 years, I was introduced to Mazu Global 6 weeks ago, I have more energy, better mental clarity, I feel 10 years younger and I made money in the first month and it has continued each month.
– Gwen W., Carlsbad, CA


Being in the athletic business, I know what team work is all about, and with the Mazu Global All Team Pay Plan I made significant income in the first week in the business. 
– Coach Woody H., Mobile, AL


I’ve been a pilot for many, many years. I am so excited about Mazu and the product, I’ve gotten results from endurance, stamina, mental clarity, and it goes on and on.  From a business standpoint, it’s unbelievable. I went to work and made it happen first month, with thousands of dollars coming in, I’m just ecstatic.
– Chris L., California


With Mazu Global I’m replacing the money I lost in the stock market. I made money in my first week. I love getting checks with commas in them.  Thank you, Mazu Global.
– Erma St. W., Chattanooga, TN


I surf most every day, recently got a cold, Mazu helped me get rid of it. About 7 of my friends had the same situation, and it helped them too. Now I’m making money helping people.
– Dean R., California


2 weeks ago I drove a car from New Jersey all the way to California, and I drank 2 bottles of Mazu Gold on the way, no jet lag, lots of energy, no road rage, it was great. But I’m building my team all over the country, and getting paid some really serious money.
– David E., Carlsbad, CA


A number of days back a friend of mine contacted me, and sent me some information about Mazu Global, I took a look at it, I contacted my business colleagues, had them take a look at it, in about 3-4 days I received a call from the president of Mazu Global, Kim who had just mentioned to me that we had just launched a new bonus program, I had won a large bonus!  It’s a very revolutionary product, the cost of the pay plan is phenomenal, it is something I think everybody should take a look at.
– Rick F., California


I couldn’t be more excited about the Mazu Global All Team Pay Plan. My first week my business was in the black, this is great.
– Mark G., Mobile, AL


I have enjoyed a prominent acting career for over 20 years in Hollywood, CA I also enjoy a very good residual income from my movies and television shows I have appeared in. I was looking for something with a major health benefit, and energy benefit in my 50’s and I found it in Mazu Gold. I also found, a great way to extend my residual income career going forward.
– Will W., Carlsbad, CA


5 Responses to Testimonials

  1. gary curtiss says:

    WOW……this Mazu Global biz is the best I have ever had ! The all team pay plan, wow!! you just have to understand how huge it is. I’ll hit Silver this week, already! But most important…..the team is moving fast as well. I have made a lot of money in network marketing but this will be the biggest !!!


  2. Paul says:

    Is this Mazu Gold product in Canada as of yet?
    What I also want to know is what if I only buy it for my own use and never sponsoured anyone,do I still get payed? It’s not to say that I will not sponsour anyone.

    • Mazu Global says:

      No, Canada is not started yet. You will not get paid if you don’t sponsor anyone. Unless you buy into the partner pool, that way you will receive three partner pool checks during the first 90 days.

  3. jcjcjc50 says:

    Ive always taken supplements because it makes sense and just trusted good things were happening. However, I must say, with Mazu Gold Im noticing some tangible results. They came on subtle over 2-3 months, but the last one sealed any suspicion:

    1. Smoother, clearer mental function (Id been mentally stuttering trying to find the right word – no more)
    2. no sick headaches (a few that tried to conquer…just puttered out)
    3. happy colon (while this was fine – it is twice better now)
    4. dreaming (no dreams I can recall in 18 years) and in color (new for me)
    5. no dizzy spells
    6. 7 month Achilles heel pain gone! (this just happened and I’m blown away)

    Seems like the Humic Nutrients has a grounding effect, Ecklonia Cava revives cell depletion and organic Aloe gel dissolves any crap cloggy the gears. It might be that long term of depletion are like holes that take a while to fill, or like watering a plant you forgot about…at first the water just runs off until enough moisture is renewed so it can soak in and eventually life returns.

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